Månadsarkiv: mars 2016

New music… in 3,2,1…

The discovery train makes another stop in United States to adjust our focus towards an artist who creates an enjoyable house sound. Nowadays, when you hear a well-produced track with good sound and lyrics backing it up, you feel like … Fortsätt läsa

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Exclusive: Ale Castro, Electronica Dj

Hey man! listen it   Genre: Electronica   Social:

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Coachella Lineup The Real One

Coachella is only 48 Days away. Are you getting excited yet? I sure am. To pass the time, here is a video from each of three artists performing at this year’s sold out Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival to … Fortsätt läsa

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Aurelien Stireg

Some of my readers ask me about true independent deep house producers… well, I bring you Aurelien Stireg with this eargasm: The track comes in the form of a new instrumental (emphasis on the -mental) track ‘Aurelien Stireg Gus Spencer … Fortsätt läsa

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Clinton Sparks Who Is Ready To Jump Rage Bootleg

So just a couple of days after releasing “One Day, No Cry” Rek’D is back with another new mashup titled “Jump Into The Deep.” In this track, Rek’d takes the vocals from the ever popular/ highly remix “Rolling in the … Fortsätt läsa

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Discovering a new Electro House Dj. Kirrez!

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Orjan Nilsen Feat Kate Louise Smith The Thunder Extended Mix

Run for cover, Be my lover, Just let go, I can tease, I can be anything you need,   Cover your eyes You are all I know I’ll take the long way round feels like a hurricane Cover your ears … Fortsätt läsa

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‘[Charlyfive]’, Electro House Music

Today Im gonna show you this music. The track is called Edm Anthem by Charlyfive, I really love how it sounds. Charlyfive has been making strides in this all too cluttered industry. Producing unique and engaging tracks, Charlyfive has been … Fortsätt läsa

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